Saturday, June 18, 2011

Photobomb Friday: We have MiFi!

Again, I bring you Friday's post on a Saturday... but I can because we got Mifi!  Which means I have internet at home (at least whenever Bear doesn't take it with him to work...)!

We are still working like crazy getting this place ready for guests and weddingness... the countdown is at a WEEK.  I've been having crazy stress nightmares that are simultaneously frightening and hilarious.  Bear is also setting lights for the Local Theatre's current show, so a lot of housework is falling to me right now.  It's so stressful, but it will all be worth it!

I am so lucky to have two jobs that are graciously letting me take time off for prep starting Thursday, but I probably won't be posting here as often as the wedding looms nearer.  I have a lot to do, from making decor to organizing my photo equipment and meeting with Patchie who will be my Second Shooter (her first wedding gig!).

So, today I am Photobombing adorable kitten photos to promote smiles and relieve a little stress.  Aw, kitties!

 The Scottish Fold above is was my Aunt's beloved Angus.  Sadly, he passed shortly after I took these pictures.  But, they are getting a new Scottish Fold Kitten, named Cooper!  My Aunt is from Scotland, and apparently the Scottish Fold breed were discovered in or originally bred in Coupar Angus, Scotland.  I have such clever family!

And because they are so darn difficult to photograph, I am reposting these images of Rummy and Dart:

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


PS- Notice a lack of Grateful posts?  I am the worst at keeping up on one of those photo-a-day challenges.  Hopefully sometime soon it will make a comeback.  I am so ashamed... and just plain busy!
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  1. Hey, My baby made your fridge! Twice!!

  2. Kittiesssss!

    Don't worry, the wedding will be over with soon and we'll have fun. And then we can focus on YOUR wedding. ;-)

  3. Yseult- twice that you can see in that photo, but he's actually up there three times (we also have your Christmas card on the fridge still!). I told Bear it looks like we have a kid judging by our fridge! haha

    Patchie- I am so grateful that you are helping out! You have NO idea how much of a help your being there will be for me! I'm so excited to see what images you will get! Eep! (seriously, I love you.)


Love Notes