Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Miscellaneous Ramblings...

So, I think everyone has a favorite film.  Something that they really identify with or that really speaks to them.  Maybe it's the aesthetic (film technique, particular fashion highlighted, you know...) or the content, or even the score (I am a sucker for a good film score).  For me, it's kinda a combination.  I love specific editing cuts, lens flares, color combinations, weird hair colors, quirky characters (especially female characters), and really great scores that help to tell the story, not overpower it or make no sense with the plot.

Anyway, I love a lot of films, and one in particular I have been dying to see again.  I have been searching all over my apartment for it, as I own the DVD, but to no avail.  No idea what happened to it.  So, I posted on Facebook, assuming if someone had borrowed it they might say, "oh yeah, I totally have that".  I waited a few months and tried again.  I am 99% sure I lost this one all on my own.

So, I caved and re-signed up for Netflix.  And now, you can STREAM!  Which is amazing to me.  So, I finally watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind again and LOVED every second of it!  Sometimes, it's the little things in life...

Like having friends over for Chinese and video games and totally forgetting to take any pictures (for shame!), because I was having a blast.  And then having a new friend join in the mix and help me dye my hairs!  I was really happy about this because 1. I don't see her nearly as often as I'd like, and 2. I really needed my hairs dyed and have no skills.  Here's when Jess dyed my hair purple last time (I always dye the bottom part of my hair a crazy color and leave the top something a little more natural... that way, I can be "professional" when I have to be).

So... that's about it.  Here is a pic of my Bear and I in AZ.  Because I love it.  Pics of my new hairs will be up soon!

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  1. Man, I am still SO TEMPTED to dye mine! Haha

  2. haha, I still have purple dye! If you don't want it, I may go back to purple when the orange fades. Apparently, if I leave it in for 5-6 hours and am sure to cover my head with a shower cap to keep the dye wet, it lasts longer. I learned something!!!


Love Notes