Monday, August 29, 2011

Etsy Monday: Come on Irene

Recently, our area has been pummeled by an earthquake, tornado, and lastly Irene.  It could have been worse... the earthquake was a 5.9 but didn't take down any buildings in my hometown, the tornado didn't come through where I live, and Irene brought down three trees on the property but nothing hit the house. So far, I feel pretty grateful about that.

My parents' house has power again, so Bear and I packed a bag and air mattress and crashed at their house.  As far as we know, the power line is still down on our road.  I feel incredibly blessed to have such wonderful parents who will let us mooch off their electricity, running water, AC and Internet!!!  Again, I have to say we are really fortunate with our experience and truly grateful.

However, there are many other locations that were devastated by these natural disasters.  Today I am featuring etsy wares intended to assist those who were affected in the past week.

via: alterity

via: fintintan

via: sistermoonjewelryco

via: theprancingfox

via: madrigandesigns

via: knittingguru
The links under each item will bring you to the item's original page.  If you see something you like, please purchase it!  You'll be helping out independent artists and those in need after Irene's rage rampaged their homes.  All items with the exception of the blue bracelet are $20 or less!

Have a wonderful Monday!  If you were hit by Irene, I hope you and yours are doing well and that you didn't experience too much hardship!

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