Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Longest Break Ever

Hello world!

I have news!  I am alive!  And I have one-upped my Scrabble points for my name by marrying my best friend and taking his hyphenated last name!  Which I keep forgetting to sign.

Engagement Ring!

So, I obviously left off on a part 1 of a supposedly mutli-part installment about our odyssey into Indiana.  I never even began the next part as a draft or anything, although I think I could pick it up once I see the photos again...

Anyway, I am writing a quick semi-itinerary and "user's guide" for my blog since I was absent for oh-so-long:

I will finish the Indiana saga.  It will at least be one more post, since it began with "Part 1".  I am not sure how many posts it will entail, but I will venture to say no more than two additional.

I will be blogging about the weddingy goodness once I get photos in, which could be next week, or next month.  We shall roll with those punches!  These posts will include highlights about the awesome Etsy sellers we worked with, fabulous vendors, and awesome wedding party.  These posts were brought to you by Guinness.  Not really.  I have no sponsors.  But there WAS Guinness at the wedding, and it was delicious.  I know, because I drank mine through a fun straw.

Insofar as blogging regularity, I can safely say that I will not be nearly as regular as I was when I began.  Why?  Well, I have run out of interesting things in my life (aside from the wedding) and I don't want to bore all you wonderful readers to tears, because you seem like good people who deserve better than fluff filler.

From now on, I am trying to take this blog from it's previous state of "teen magazine" in terms of silly fluff things, to more of an interesting read.  I have also picked up my old habit of keeping a more traditional journal and I contribute that partly to my lack of posting... it almost feels rehashed to write it all here.  Obviously, what I post online is less personal and more polished, public-friendly stuff, but I still want to make an effort not to be redundant for me.  If I bore myself, all bets are off!

Finally, thanks to anyone who still checks this blog to see if maybe anything new is going on in my life (or if I am even still alive).  You rock!  I am going to try to be a better poster, but expect a slow start... it's the beginning of another semester, so my free-internet work time is sucked up by... actually working.

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  1. Yay, you're back! I can't wait to see wedding photos!!

  2. Phew.
    I too, am waiting for more note-worthy events to blog.
    Currently, I've been sickly and in my upswings am piecing together a PSA about piracy, since this affects people I know and people I adore.
    Also, I am itching to try my hand at silent film.


Love Notes