Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: Real Weddings and Planning via Bloggers

The best thing about the blog community is that we all try to make situations easier on those who may be going through the same thing and happens to stumble upon our little corner of the interwebs.  We post DIY step-by-steps for anyone else who needs to know how to reupholster a chair, we post how-to's on make-up application, how to find the most flattering clothing styles for specific body types, recipes that work, guides to cities... the list goes on.

 We also share our experiences with planning, making decor for, and the final results of our weddings.  This is amazing, because for as awesome as wedding-specific blogs are, they often do not delve into the trials and errors, happy accidents, and meticulously planned intricate details along the way to the Big Day.  Thanks to the Blogiverse, we can access each other's advice and warnings, and learn from one another's mistakes!

Today is a short post, because I have an online lecture and exam to take for my job.  Because I am not providing a very awesome read, I am directing you to someone who can!

*  I am so happy to have found this wedding-planning doppelganger!  Elycia's wedding planning process is very very similar to my own... and even the color schemes are alike!  I was really pleasantly surprised when I perused her wedding posts... I have more confidence in my own plans, since I am kinda able to see how they may turn out.

Elsie's wedding plans are so beautiful and kinda quirky at the same time!  I am loving the little peeks at the Big Day she is beginning to post... she's so very artistic and made a ton of her own decor.  She also had a wedding blog that served as a kind of drawing board, where ideas and inspiration were tossed around, and is also worth a peek.

*  Miss Kaelah is also posting lovely inspiration, and stunning photos of her engagement ring over where all the honeybees hang out!  Her color palatte is totally different than mine, but I love the aesthetic she is shooting for... I am positive it will be a gorgeous wedding!  And: if you live in the Nashville area and are looking for portraits to be taken, you could get a FREE session!  Help out Kaelah's man Mike get his photography portfolio filled out so his business can take off!  And: want to win a Fuji Instax camera?  Yup, that's happening, too!

*  For inspiration on writing those personal vows, head over to the blog full of love letters!  It makes such a nice read, and is such a nice reminder that under the news and bad headlines in the papers, the world is still full of honest-to-god people with feelings and love.
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